street photography
LondonStreet.photography exists to promote and encourage inclusive street photography. Inclusive in who we are and importantly, inclusive of our approach to photography; in our style, genres, technology and approach.
Street photographers is the basis of much great contemporary photography and we strive to be part of that by being forward looking photographers, pushing the boundaries while appreciating our shared past. From candid street images to street portraits, abstraction, street architecture, details, experimentation and much more; we like to see where street photography will take us.
You will find us more interest in the images you make than the camera (or phone) you use and we are more likely to be found discussing a photographic exhibition than the latest camera release.But we do understand that technical competence and technique are important elements of our craft, helping us creating images we love.
In addition to single images, we are also promote project based photography and recognise that street and documentary photography are very close bedfellows. We love to have an idea and to follow it over time, to capture an event or to document a situation as it develops. We see street photography as an active way to be involved with our city and to help educate, enlighten and entertain those we share it with.
Whatever your street photography interests, you will find us encouraging, inquisitive and willing to help you enjoy and develop your photography. We also hope you will be open to help others in order to move street photography forwards.
We run a free photography meetup every month, occassional image review sessions and a variety of paid workshops and classes throughout the year, all designed to help you improve and develop street photography.
LondonStreet.photography is run by Peter Merry, an established street photographer, photography tutor, PAGB photo judge and workshop leader. He loves meeting and helping fellow street photographers and is keen to help them explore and improve their photographic practice.
To join the group, please click here, to contact Peter directly, please click here.Maybe you will be told that street photography 'can only be candid shots of people', or that 'you can never take a picture from behind', or that 'you must never talk or interract with the subject'. There is nothing wrong with anyone having these views about their street photography, but I like to see the world without too many restrictions and rules. I am a firm beleiver that we will all find out own style of street photography and that it will most likely be built on help and advice from friends, other photographers (both living and dead), the internet, workshops and most importatly, our own experience, practice and reflection.
We all see London differently, but we can explore it together. The people, places, back streets and alleyways (the good, the bad and the ugly), London has it all and it’s just waiting to be explored. Join us for great street photography, photowalks and workshops.
Street photography is a hard genre to pin down. From candid public to urban architecture via street portraits, abstracts, details and more. If you call it street photography then that’s what it is.
Be inclusive and enjoy the many different styles of street photography.PHOTOGRAPHY :
To make your best street photographs you need a good mix of understanding, technique, craft and vision. Ask yourself why am I taking this photo and how best can I take it, then you should spend less time in photoshop and more time building a body of work.
STREET PHOTOGRAPHY, what's it all about?
Ask 10 different photographers what street photography is, you'll get almost as many answers.
Maybe you know what street photography means to you, what & how you like to photograph and the photographers you admire, or prehaps you're just looking. . . street curious? Looking for a new approach, exploring your intention and process as a way to get more from your photography.After many years involved in street photography I know there are different ways to do it. But whatever kind of street photography you enjoy, it's generally improved by a better mix of intention, understanding and process. Mix that up with practice, craft and an artistic eye and your photographs will have your style.
Don't expect to be told what you must do here, but don't be suprised if you are encouraged to learn, experiment, plan and create.
Remember, the only rules of street photography are the ones you impose on yourself.
Enjoy, improve and share your street photography... whatever it looks like!
Pete Street, April 2023